After failing to conceive naturally post trying for three years, Ashish and Nibedita (name changed) decided to consult me. I made the couple undergo some tests. Ashish’s sperm count was healthy, but Nibedita had a blockage in her fallopian tube, which was obstructing the fertilization of her eggs. In such cases, IVF has been seen to be a good technique of assisted reproduction. The couple was willing, so post counseling we decided to go for in-vitro fertilization.
Unfortunately, the first cycle was a failure. But Ashish and Nibedita did not give up hope.Taking all factors into consideration, I advised the two of them to undergo a Frozen Embryo Transfer or FET, using a cryopreserved embryo from the previous IVF cycle. The embryo was thawed and transferred to Nibedita’s uterus. The treatment went on successfully and resulted in pregnancy . In October 2021, the couple was blessed with a beautiful baby girl.