They say that no two pregnancies are the same.
That has certainly been the case with this couple.
Losing Faith after pregnancy losses
After recovering from the first pregnancy loss, both physically and emotionally, the couple started trying to get pregnant again. This time, things were not so easy. It took them a few months before they got a positive pregnancy test. However, other than anxiety and morning sickness, the pregnancy was otherwise healthy and unremarkable.The couple was waiting excitedly for the baby’s arrival, sharing their joy with family and friends. Instead, things began falling apart. During a routine ultrasound, the doctor could not hear the baby’s heartbeat. At that moment, the couple knew that they had suffered another miscarriage.
After a couple of times, the couple decided to try once again but failed.
The couple consulted a fertility specialist. After undergoing some routine tests, the husband was diagnosed with male factor fertility while the wife was diagnosed with decreased egg count and severe adenomyosis (a condition in which endometrial tissues exist inside and grow into the uterine wall). Under the specialist’s recommendation, they tried conceiving via IVF but could not carry the pregnancy to term. That’s when they decided to consult me.
One more milestone passed. One step closer.
Still, they had a long way to go.A few years later, after successful treatment and eight miscarriages, the couple was blessed with triplets.
For beacons of hope, I am sharing this story for those suffering pregnancy losses or undergoing treatment for the same. After all, what a miracle it is when a baby arrives – be it yours, be it someone else’s.