Failing to conceive naturally despite trying for over two years, Meghna & Reetam (name changed) came to me for consultation. On learning that Meghna had been experiencing pain in the pelvic area for the last few months along with increased bleeding during periods that seemed to be worsening with each cycle, I decided to run her through a few tests. The results confirmed my assumptions – Meghna had severe endometriosis, which was lowering her ovarian reserve and preventing ovulation.
After analyzing all possible options, I recommended IVF to the couple as it has been seen to be an effective fertility treatment for patients unable to conceive due to moderate or severe endometriosis.
A few months prior to her treatment, Meghna was kept on Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists and antagonists to stimulate the ovaries into producing eggs. With the help of In vitro fertilization, the extracted eggs were then fertilized in a petri dish and implanted into her uterus. Fortunately, the first cycle was a success and resulted in pregnancy. In November 2021, the couple welcomed their first child – a healthy, adorable baby boy.