Debolina is a filmmaker. She was a smoker. Fresh out of a film and television institute, for the 23-year-old it was a dream come true when she joined as a trainee in a leading advertising agency.
Talented and dedicated, she caught the eye of a renowned producer and was working with her on big projects. Long hours, late nights, outdoor shoots and frequent outstation shoots soon became a part of her life, as did the cigarette.
It was at an after-party on the night of a film release when Debolina lit her first cigarette. Her friends just wanted Debolina to “try it out” and also said that a cigarette once in a while wouldn’t do any harm.
That is how it happened. Once-in-a-while soon became a pack a day and then up to three packs a day and without even realizing Debolina was hooked. The urge to smoke never left her and her mind refused to focus without the nicotine kick of a cigarette. Debolina climbed the career ladder fast but the cigarette was a constant companion in her journey.
She met Rajat, a singer, during an outstation shoot. Taking an instant liking to each other, they kept in touch, often collaborated on assignments, became romantically involved and soon got married. Debolina was 29 when she first conceived.
On her visit to the Gynaecologist, the Doctor warned her that her habit of smoking was likely to cause harm to her baby. Although Debolina tried quitting, it didn’t work in her favour. She found it impossible
to concentrate on her work without it and was also experiencing withdrawal symptoms like headaches and anxiety. Ignoring the Doctor’s warnings, she resumed smoking.
Debolina’s world fell apart when she miscarried. A devastated and repentant Debolina now realized the harm she had caused herself. She promised herself to give up smoking and with constant support from
her husband and some close friends, she got past the phase and the cravings slowly stopped returning.
- Nearly four years later Debolina conceived again and this time she strictly followed the Doctor’s instructions and delivered a healthy baby girl. Today Debolina can proudly claim to be a non-smoker. If Debolina’s story reminds you of your own habit of smoking which you are perhaps trying to quit or want to, here are some tips that can help you:
- Let your friends and family know that you plan to quit smoking and tell them that you need their support and encouragement to stop
- Anticipate and plan for the challenges you are likely to encounter while quitting
- Remove cigarettes and other tobacco products from your home, car, and work desk
- Talk to your doctor about getting help to quit as he/she can prescribe medication/therapy to help with withdrawal symptoms
- If you slip up, don’t feel demotivated. It doesn’t mean you can’t quit for good
Follow these and soon you too will be able to proudly call yourself a non-smoker .