Misha and Manoj were hoping to expand their family, but after trying for a year and a half, they realized there was a problem in conceiving naturally. They consulted a Doctor who recommended some tests. The results revealed that Misha had a blocked Fallopian tube and severely diminished ovarian reserve of 0.08 (extremely low egg supply) at 30.
The recommendation was donor eggs, and as soon as possible, as her biological clock was ticking. On probing further as to why using donor eggs was the only way forward, the doctor refused to provide a convincing explanation. Misha got her sister tested as a donor but could not accept that her baby would not be biologically hers.
Something in the couple’s hearts told them that they needed a second opinion so they decided to schedule a consultation at a well-known fertility clinic after a friend highly recommended, they go there.
Misha was scared to death, felt defeated, and guilty as having a child was something, she had always taken for granted. But the fertility specialist made the couple feel comfortable right from the start. He took the time to explain to them what was happening and what their options were.
Misha and Manoj took their time and decided to proceed with IVF, one of the primary options suggested by the fertility specialist. They went through three IVF cycles. Cycle 1 was cancelled due to no viable embryos and cycle 2 resulted in a negative pregnancy test, but cycle 3 was different.
The third cycle yielded only two eggs at the retrieval. Although discouraged, both Misha and Manoj tried to remain optimistic. After all, it only takes one, right? Miraculously, both eggs fertilized normally and continued to grow. On day 3, both embryos were transferred and 2 weeks later, they received the news they had been waiting on for a year and a half – Misha was pregnant. The fertility journey, at last, felt so perfect and incredible.
Blessed with their miracle child, Madhur, the couple owes it all to the second opinion they’d taken.
If you are someone undergoing fertility treatment or have been thinking of seeking the second opinion then, here’s more about when you should consider seeking a second opinion and how to go prepared for the visit.
When should I think about seeking a second opinion?
If you’re not sure whether it’s time to look further afield, here are some of the most common reasons why you might seek a second opinion about your fertility treatment.
You’ve been under the care of your primary care doctor or OB-GYN and want to explore more specialized help
Many patients struggling with fertility first seek help with their own doctor. Your primary physician or gynaecologist may ask you to take some preliminary tests, recommend lifestyle changes or fertility therapies such as acupuncture, or prescribe you a fertility medication. If you’ve explored some or all of these options with your doctor and still haven’t gotten pregnant, it may make sense to seek a second opinion from a fertility expert.
You suspect that there may be more to your infertility diagnosis
While many cases of infertility are due to unknown causes, undergoing a thorough diagnosis is important. If you are worried that something has been missed or feel that more investigation is necessary, it may be a good idea to seek a second opinion.
You have had several unsuccessful IVF cycles with your current clinic
The truth is that some IVF cycles fail, even at the most popular clinics. The human reproductive system is complex and each patient is unique, so each fertility journey takes time to complete. However, if you have undergone three or more unsuccessful rounds of IVF and feel that you’re not getting any closer to good news, it could be time to look elsewhere.
You want to try something new that your current clinic can’t offer
Reproductive endocrinology is a rapidly evolving field and new research, technology, and best practices are constantly evolving. In your own research, if you find a new test or treatment you would like to explore and if your current clinic is not in a position to offer you the same, you may need to look for another clinic that can help you ensure that you have tried everything.
You have concerns about your relationship with your team
The rapport you share with your fertility specialist and treatment team is important. Yes, they are the experts, and you trust them to help you make the right choices, but you should also be informed about the decisions being made about your treatment.
- You must always be comfortable asking questions and voicing concerns
- Check if you are presented with just one option for treatment or
- If the specialist is not taking the time to explain the treatment plan and the reasons behind it
- If they are not informing you of possible risks
These could be signs to switch fertility specialists.
Your doctor recommends that you seek a second opinion
Sometimes, it may be a doctor who suggests seeking a second opinion. It does not indicate that yours is a difficult case. Your doctor may know a colleague who has more specific knowledge and experience in dealing with issues you are facing, or a clinic that has a higher success rate with patients who have similar case histories. An honest doctor will help you find the best possible treatment, even if it means handing over your case to another expert.
How should I choose which clinic to visit next?
Finding the right fertility clinic can be challenging, even if you’ve already been through the process before. While it can be a struggle to think about starting over or seeking a second opinion from a new fertility specialist or clinic, remember that you have knowledge and resources now that you did not have the first time.
Ask your doctor
If you have a good relationship with your current physician, this is something you can talk about with them. Ask them for a recommendation. At this point, they know your case and needs, and they may be able to refer you to someone who can move your treatment forward.
Reach out to your network
You are not alone in your experience of infertility or to get the answers you need. If you are not part of a support group or community of individuals undergoing fertility treatment, you can try exploring those resources. Talking to others who have the first-hand experience of different clinics and fertility specialists can be helpful.
Arrive prepared
There are some things you can do to make the visit for a qualified second opinion smoother.
- Carry a copy of medical records and test results before visiting a fertility specialist
- Bring the notes you have taken at your previous clinic visits
- Prepare a list of questions to ask
- If there are treatment procedures you would like to try, don’t hesitate to bring them up during the visit.